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As an accredited NGDO, LP4Y Luxembourg is committed to designing and implementing strategic programmes dedicated to the professional and social integration of young adults in Asia and the Mediterranean basin, with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE).


Our flagship initiative in Luxembourg, Agora 4 Youth, symbolizes our commitment to mobilizing and sharing our expertise with local players to strengthen inclusion.

Our team's aim is to actively contribute to the development and dissemination of good practices, underlining how crucial is the inclusion of excluded Young adults for everyone's future.


In 2023, LP4Y Luxembourg counts:

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Awareness campaigns

about Youth inclusion

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People positively impacted

by awareness campaigns regarding Youth inclusion



including 67% of women


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Marc De Crouy-Channel


De Crouy-Chanel


Jean Marie Demeure

Jean-Marie Demeure


Florian Mantovani

Florian Mantovani



The aim of Agora 4 Youth, initiated by LP4Y Luxembourg, is to listen to excluded Youths, give them a voice and guide them towards a better life. We are working with our partners such as the government, companies and individuals to move the whole LP4Y movement forward, especially in Nepal, so that the voice of excluded Youths are better taken into account.

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Through LP4Y's experience and expertise, the aim is to initiate a dialogue on education for Citizenship and International Solidarity.

It also involves setting up initiatives in Luxembourg, in collaboration with teachers, to enable young people to grasp the complex phenomena behind inequalities.

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In partnership with the international network Youth 4 Change Network (Y4CN), Agora 4 Youth is designed to bring together people who work with vulnerable, excluded young adults, to talk and share points of view.

Find sustainable solutions and support their integration, as well as developing and sharing operational best practice in favor of their social and professional inclusion.

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An evening of wine tasting, hosted by Coralie Delecheneau to discover her selection of Touraine wines during a friendly gathering.

All proceeds go to Life Project 4 Youth.


Support picto

I donate online, by credit card

QR Code donation

You have a right of access, rectification and deletion on simple written request to: LP4Y Luxembourg: 50 rue Basse, Steinsel, L-7307

I donate by credit card

STEP 1: Complete the online form to benefit from the tax deduction

Complete the online form


Download the Support Voucher and send it by email to or by post to:

Life Project 4 Luxembourg – 50 rue Basse, L-7307 Steinsel

STEP 2: Finalize your donation by bank transfer

Life Project 4 Youth Luxembourg, 50 rue Basse, L-7307 Steinsel, Luxembourg

IBAN: LU68 0030 3647 0721 0000


NB: Prefer donations by transfer to avoid commission fees.

Donation Luxembourg

If you are a taxable individual, 66% of your donation is deductible from your taxes up to 20%
of your taxable income.

A business donation is deductible up to 60% of the payments made, up to a limit of 5% of the turnover realized in respect of the financial year.



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The LP4Y Luxembourg team has a wide range of commitments and ways of taking action that are accessible to everyone. Choose the means of action that suits you best and get involved to bring our projects to life!


Whether you're an individual, a company, a school or an association, or if you want to pass on your principles through a legacy, you too can play a part in integrating young people from excluded backgrounds.

Let's discuss during our next event. Let's take action together!

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Support the actions

of the LP4Y movement by playing a part in the inclusion of young adults

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Have a voice

in the LP4Y Luxembourg General Assembly


Receive news

from Youths and Catalysts in the field in Asia and
the Middle East

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for the inclusion of excluded young adults by helping us to publicize LP4Y's missions to the general public


Social media picto
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube

Life Project 4 Youth Luxembourg (ONGD)
N° RCS: F8583 50 rue Basse, Steinsel, L-7307, Luxembourg

+352 33 33 01 44

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