Nearly 2,000 Youths between 18 and 24 years old supported per year: 18 years old is the minimum age to access decent employment

Living in slums or in excluded rural areas, in extreme poverty
not in school, involved in informal work, with physical or mental disabilities, orphans, young mothers, incarcerated, migrants, etc.

Without quallification
(not a prerequisite for joining LP4Y) and highly motivated
to learn, find a decent job and financially support their families

The young people currently in training are fully involved in the recruitment process and organize mobilization sessions: door-to-door in the most vulnerable and marginalized communities, word of mouth, events, communication on social media, etc.
LP4Y also benefits from the support of a strong network of local NGOs with complementary expertise which regularly refer young people to LP4Y training centers.

Young people living in conditions of extreme poverty and victims of exclusion are experts in resilience, often at the front lines of natural disasters and political crises.
However, working in a decent work environment requires skills and knowledge to which they rarely have access.
LP4Y's training programs help them develop these transversal skills: IT, English, self-confidence, communication, project management, critical thinking, adaptability, teamwork, etc.

Worldwide, nearly one in three women are not in education, employment or training (NEET). However, a UN study revealed that when a woman has access to decent work, she invests over 90% of her salary in her children's education and household budget, compared to less than 40% for men.
Since its inception, LP4Y has focused on supporting young women in building their life projects. To enable young mothers to follow the training, LP4Y has developed LITTLE ANGELS ACADEMIES, daycare centers for children aged 6 months to 4 years.

of young people supported
by LP4Y are women
centers exclusively dedicated to supporting young women


After completing an LP4Y program, 72% of young people find a first decent job in commerce, administration, data entry, call centers, hospitality, food and beauty industries and many others field.
They can also join the STAR Club, an alumni network managed locally by its members. This network allows them to stay in touch and continue to participate in the life of the center through the organization of events, one-off mobilization sessions, or inspiring testimonies.